Saturday, 17 October 2009

Planning our film in detail

Problems encountered
We meet on the Tuesday before half term as we needed to get a tape for our film as Zac and I forget to get one from the college. We went into town and discovered that you couldn’t buy a separate tape on its own so we had to buy a pack; the price was from £12-20. We looked in all the shops of high street media conglomerates such as Comet, Currys and Jessops. Zac was the one with the money and decided to get the Sony tapes which cost £12. This made our budget increase to £32.

Film diary 27 of October
We had all he logistic arrangements organised and I was at collage Jordon and the equipment. Zac arrived at collage at about 11.15 he had went into town to get the tape. When he arrived we went to see if any of the rooms were unlocked in the college so we could use them to but as expected the rooms where locked. We wanted our shots to be filmed in chronological order so then I decided we should use the library as it was open and there is an area at the back which is like a classroom. We had to ask for permission from the librarians but they were really nice and let us.

Just as we set everything out and were ready to film I realised that we only had one battery and it was very low on power. Zac spent 15 minutes looking for our media technician Ian who looks after all the equipment. In the end he found him but he didn’t have a key to the media room which had all the equipment in. While Ian went looking for a technician we had the chance to plan out what we were going to do and eventually Ian turned up with a spare battery for us. He also gave us a battery charger so I charged the dead one and used the other one so we could keep crossing over between the two batteries to get us through the day.
Finally we could start filming and we followed the storyboard step by step. We also came up with some new shots we didn’t include in the storyboard which we were pleased about. We Filmed every shot atleast five times from different angles so we could chose the best shot at the end. This was experience from which me and Zac had learnt last year from the chance of getting a jump shot,180 rule or having a bland range of shots if you only had one shot for each scene.
We knew where the janitor’s classroom was and when we were finished filming in the LRC we went to him and had had keys to open a classroom door for us as we needed it to film our next scene.

It took 4 hours to film everything we wanted and we ended up with 2 and a half minutes of film which we need to cut down to around 30 seconds. Overall I enjoyed filming and everything went according to plan apart from the battery issue which we eventually sorted out. Jordon was good and helped us a lot he even tried to come up with some of his own ideas!
We have now decided on the first Monday back we will scan all of work in like storyboards and pictures and upload them to the blog.

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